Wingspan Scoring.

Score your Wingspan games (2-5 players).

Number of Players

Game Mode

End of Round Goals

Select a place rank for each player at the end of each round. Points are calculated automatically.

Player 1Player 2
Round 10 pts.0 pts.
Round 20 pts.0 pts.
Round 30 pts.0 pts.
Round 40 pts.0 pts.

Score Card

Enter points at the end of the game. End of Round goals scores are calculated in the prior table.

Player 1Player 2
Bird Points
Bonus Points
Food on Cards
Eggs on Cards
Tucked Cards
End of Round Goals

This scorecard is a personal project of mine. It is made with React and Tailwind CSS. Hope you enjoy it. I am not affiliated with Wingspan, its copyright holders or any of that. All those things belong to who they belong to, etc. etc.
